Tennessee Raven
3 min readDec 1, 2023

Rutherford County Mayor Joe Carr and His “Bee Sting Therapy” : A Buzzworthy Tale of Alternative Medicine

Rutherford County Mayor Joe Carr is a man of many talents. He’s a beekeeper, an advocate for bee sting therapy, as he touted on WGNS radio, and, as of recently, a purveyor of Asian hornet stings. That’s right, you read that correctly. Mayor Carr is now offering Asian hornet stings as part of his “bee sting therapy” regimen.

Now, you might be wondering why someone would switch from honey bees to Asian hornets for stings. Well, according to Mayor Carr, it’s all about efficiency. Honey bees, you see, only sting once before dying. Asian hornets, on the other hand, can sting multiple times. This means that Mayor Carr can get more stings out of an Asian hornet than he can out of a honey bee.

Of course, this isn’t the only reason Mayor Carr is switching to Asian hornets. He also believes that the venom of Asian hornets is more potent than the venom of honey bees. This, he claims, means that Asian hornet stings are more effective at treating a variety of ailments, including arthritis, allergies, and depression.

Mayor Carr’s unconventional treatment methods have not gone unnoticed. The medical community has been quick to criticize his claims, calling them “unscientific” and “dangerous.” Dr. Manny Sethi, when asked to comment, laughed and said, ”as an E.R. doctor I can say Joe’s treatments are great for my business”. However, Mayor Carr remains undeterred. He continues to promote his therapy, insisting that it is the real deal.

In addition to the medical community, Mayor Carr has also faced criticism from environmentalists. They argue that his use of Asian hornets is contributing to the decline of honey bees. Asian hornets are known predators of honey bees, and their introduction into the United States has been linked to a decline in honey bee populations.

Despite the criticism, Mayor Carr remains committed to his “bee sting therapy.” He believes that he is providing a valuable service to his community, and he is not going to let anyone stop him.

So, if you’re ever in Rutherford County, Tennessee, and you’re looking for an unconventional way to treat your ailments, be sure to check out Mayor Carr’s “Bee Sting Therapy Haven.” Just be prepared for a whole lot of stinging.

In addition to the above, here are some other humorous things about Mayor Carr and his “bee sting therapy”:

  • He once gave himself 50 bee stings in a single session.
  • He claims that bee sting therapy can cure cancer.
  • He has been known to offer discounts to his customers who are willing to get stung on their face. ( or a free sting service to Craig Harris’ face)

Mayor Carr is a colorful character, and his “bee sting therapy” is certainly one of the most unusual medical treatments out there. Whether or not it actually works is up for debate, but there’s no doubt that it’s an entertaining story.

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